
Pediatric Residency Program

Social Pediatric Residency Program

Clinical Experience


Children’s Hospital at Montefiore (CHAM) is a 105-bed non-profit institution, part of the University Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, which was ranked one of the top children’s hospitals in the nation.  Social pediatrics residents rotate through CHAM with the categorical residents for:

  • Inpatient Clinical Training
  • Emergency Room Experience
  • Pediatric Subspecialty Training

Comprehensive Health Care Center (CHCC) is a federally qualified community health center located at 161st Street in the South Bronxand close to Yankee Stadium. This clinical site is open to residents in the Social Pediatrics Program. It is co-located with other clinics in the Residency Program in Social Medicine, such as the Social Internal Medicine/Primary Care program. The Comprehensive Health Care Center offers a variety of healthcare services in a family-centered environment.

All social pediatrics residents do their outpatient clinical training at CHCC.

Ambulatory Clinic Preceptors:

Andrea Rich, MD - Pediatric Clinic Director
Alice Farley, MD
Jamal Harris, MD
Dana Sanderson, MD
Bernice Vicil, MD


PGY-1 Year

The focus of the PGY-1 Year of social pediatrics training is the development of a strong general pediatrics knowledge base and inpatient skills, very similar to the first-year training in the categorical pediatrics program.  Social Pediatrics PGY-1 residents will also:

  • Attend weekly Social Pediatrics Rounds- these core conferences provide interns and residents with ongoing exposure to important social pediatric-related topics such as foster care, cultural competency, homelessness, community organizing, domestic violence and health literacy.
  • Attend the month-long orientation to community-oriented primary care and advocacy with the interns from Family Medicine and Social Internal Medicine. This unique orientation provides an intensive orientation to the principals of social medicine and the community that they are caring for. There is limited call during this month.

PGY-2 & PGY-3 Years

In addition to the refinement of inpatient skills, the PGY-2 and PGY-3 year of the Social Pediatrics Residency places an increased focus on ambulatory and community pediatrics including fundamentals of public health, leadership, evidence-based medicine and community-centered advocacy and research.  A new Global Health track is set to launch for the incoming class of 2017.

Through a unique partnership system, residents share a continuity practice and inpatient call responsibilities with one other social pediatric resident from the same year.  The Social Pediatrics schedule differs from the categorical schedule as it includes at least three blocks of full time clinic work each year, and one call-free elective during both PGY-2 and PGY-3 years.  Each pair is responsible for covering four afternoon clinic sessions per week. As such, each PGY-2 and PGY-3 resident will spend from one to four afternoons in continuity clinic each week depending up their current rotation.