Our faculty members have a wide range of clinical and research interests and ongoing investigations. Current topics include:
- Pain control after adenoidectomy: Do glucocorticoids help?
- Taking the “sting” out of propofol: Dose response of adding lidocaine to propofol
- Chronic pain management of sickle cell disease
- The iPad: More effective than a traditional pharmaceutical premedication?
- Testing a novel analgesic for children after surgery
- Smartphones as a resource for critical information transfer at the point of care: Are we safer?
- Analysis of pediatricians’ knowledge gaps when ordering an “MRI with sedation”
- Noise analysis in the pediatric operating room: Is it hazardous to our patients or to us?
- The use of new technology in transcutaneous oximetry for children undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass
- Anesthetic impact on neurodevelopment in small children